You may not keep track of time you spend in the sun, but your skin does. Even those quick trips to the mailbox or walks around the block add up.

Every minute in the sun is like a deposit in your "sun account." But, you can never take those minutes back out - even if you stay indoors for a whole summer! Your sun account lasts your whole lifetime. The more time you deposit in it, the greater your risk of getting skin cancer.

Your risk is greatest if:

  • You spend time in the sun
  • You use a tanning bed to get darker
  • There is a history of skin cancer in your family
  • No matter what your natural coloring, you are at risk if you spend time in the sun

Hey, it's cool in the shade. Protect your skin. Protect yourself.

ACG Medical Supply cares about your skin health. Stop by our showroom to see a variety of skin care products, such as Elta Block Sunblock, to meet your every need. Call us at 1-844-463-0737 to talk to a staff member for help finding the right product for you. We're here to help you!